Press Charges Against Owners Of Dog Left Outside in Frigid Weather Nearly Dead!

  • av: Sue Lee
  • mottagare: Wilson, NC Police Department & Judicial System

Please sign and share this petition in an effort to get the police to press charges against the owners of a dog that was discovered chained outdoors in freezing weather by a good Samaritan. When the dog was first rescued, she was barely hanging onto life and would've if left there unnoticed surely would not have survived much longer, while the owners were nice and warm in their home!!!

In Wilson, NC, a Good Samaritan noticed a Pitbull chained to a crate outside of its home during one of the coldest days of the season. The poor animal was starving and frozen and thanks to this man. Thank goodness he called for help to a non-profit no-kill shelter known as For the Love of Dogs NC. They took in the dog and a vet immediately started pumping fluids into her body. Within three hours, her body temperature started to rise. Because of her situation, found nearly "frozen", they named her Elsa from Disney's Frozen.

There is no reason for this dog to be left outside in subzero temperatures and authorities are asking for help in finding those responsible to charge them with a felony animal cruelty. The clinic, For the Love of Dogs NC serves a community of low-income families; thus they help people keep their pets by attending to its health with very little cost. As a result, there is no excuse to neglect an animal like the abuse that Elsa had to endure. Her photo was posted all over social media and as yet the owners have not come forward.

Help us to help Elsa by signing and sharing this petition every where possible, spreading the news and her photo. Let's be her voice as she is waiting for a new, better happy and fulfilling life.

Wilson, NC Police Department & Judicial System - Please do justice for Elsa, the dog that was found nearly frozen to death during one of the recent coldest days of the year. Thanks to a Good Samaritan, Elsa has a new lease on life; a few short hours more and she would not have survived. Please do a thorough and complete investigation into who is responsible for her near-death situation and ensure they are harshly prosecuted with charges of felony animal cruelty. Also ensure that they never be allowed to own or care for any other others for the rest of their lives. Be a voice for Elsa and gain her the justice she deserves as she hopes to find a new, better forever home!

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