Prosecute hunter who killed two beloved dogs on purpose.

  • av: K.C.
  • mottagare: Belmont County, Ohio Court, Prosecutor

The Byers family and friends are remembering five-year-old Emmy, a Weimaraner and six-year-old Bella, a Doberman, after a hunter shot and killed the pets on purpose.

  This horrendous behavior must be punished to the fullest extent of the law. 

Please sign this petition and join the Byers family in demanding #JusticeForEmmyAndBella. Read below for the full, tragic story. 

From WTOV9: BELMONT COUNTY, Ohio — Pete Byers says he was preparing to take his dogs and his tools on a work trip to Pittsburgh when his two beloved companions, Bella and Emmy, disappeared.

"I turned around to lock that gate. I turned around my dogs were gone," Byers said. “And it’s the opening day of gun season so I’m like dying inside. I’m scared to death."

Byers says an hours-long search began. He enlisted the help of friends and neighbors and used four-wheelers, all the while calling for his pets.

Byers says hunters reported hearing shots and a dog yelp, but eventually a trail of tracks allegedly led to Michael Chedester's tree stand some 800 yards away.

“I asked him, did you kill my dogs man, I want to know so I can bury them. Meanwhile he keeps eyeing this new brush pile. That’s new and fresh," Byers said. “Then he kind of looks down his nose at me and says ‘yeah, I killed your dogs. You want me to buy you two new ones? I'll buy you two new dogs."

“I asked him where are they and he looks at me like I’m confused and he points right there to my brush pile. And there's Emmy's paw, sticking out from the logs,” Byers said.

Byers notified authorities and a Belmont County sheriff deputy was called to interview Byers and the suspect, Michael Chedester.

“All that was taken, put in a very thorough report and forwarded to the prosecuting attorney," said Sheriff Dave Lucas.

Prosecutor Dan Fry says two felony charges of prohibitions concerning companion animals will be filed against 59-year-old Chedester, of St. Clairsville.

The offenses stem from the newly-imposed Goddard's Law, which only went into effect in Ohio on September 13 of this year. The law makes it a fifth degree felony to knowingly cause serious physical harm to a companion animal, such as pets or domestic creatures.

Meanwhile, the Byers family and friends are remembering five-year-old Emmy, a Weimaraner and six-year-old Bella, a Doberman.

“They were just really good friends, unconditional love all the time," Byers said.

Those two felony charges won't officially be filed until Wednesday morning. Chedester will then be summoned to court for a hearing.

If convicted, Chedester could be sentenced to the maximum of 12 months on each count or 24 months consecutively.

PLEASE SIGN THIS PETITION AND DEMAND Mike Chedester be brought to justice in this cruel act of murder. Thank you.

Uppdatera #28 år sedan
Update: AA
BELMONT COUNTY, Ohio — A St. Clairsville man who allegedly pulled the trigger in the killing of two dogs had his first hearing Monday morning. Mike Chedester is charged with two felony counts of knowingly causing serious physical harm to companion animals.
He pleaded not guilty in court. A preliminary hearing is now set for January 26.
I will update again on Jan. 26th, 2017
Thank you for the over 200,000 signatures, so far!

Uppdatera #18 år sedan
UPDATE..... The Accused's Court Day is December 8, 2016. The court says they cannot accept a petition. I say they need to make an acceptation. Anyone with legal knowledge? I am trying to find a way. The Judge needs to know that 180,000 people want this man to be given the max.
I will Update with any news..... Thank you.
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