Girls Kicked off United Flight for Wearing Leggings: Demand Change!

Two teens girls were not allowed to board a domestic flight on United Airlines this weekend because they were wearing leggings. The two young girls were visibly upset and embarrassed after being turned away. And they have good — this sexist dress code is problematic and unnecessary!

Sign this petition to call on United Airlines to change their dress code to be less sexist and sexualizing of young girls.

It was later revealed they were flying as companions of someone who worked there, meaning they would have to follow a stricter dress code. But that doesn't change the fact that the dress code is discriminatory in the first place. For example, a man wearing shorts that fell three inches above his knee was allowed to board the flight no problem. This seems like a double standard to me!

United's dress code, like most dress codes, focuses on controlling what women can and cannot wear. It overly sexualizes women in demeaning and unnecessary ways.

It's especially sick when it's young girls. These were teenagers who were told their leggings were too revealing to get on the plane. Who was that trying to protect? Men who just "can't help themselves"? Adult men are in charge of themselves and we cannot allow young women to be told that their outfits are at fault for violence committed by someone else. 

Now we are calling on United to adjust their dress code to focus on things like cleanliness (no shoes on a flight, for example seems like a reasonable part of a dress code), rather than women's bodies and sexuality. Join us by adding your name to this petition.

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