Introduce Animal Welfare to the School Curriculum

  • av: Nina Cole
  • mottagare: Sir Michael Wilshaw, Ofsted Chief Inspector & Michael Andrew Gove, Secretary of State for Education
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We request that animal welfare & awareness of animal cruelty, be taught in all UK schools. This would provide an excellent opportunity to reduce the number of animal abuse cases.

Studies show that people who commit violent acts against animals will frequently re-offend against people. We must work toward a world in which humans respect all animals and including animal welfare as part of the school curriculum, will help to create a more empathetic youth.

Animal cruelty is defined as behaviours that are harmful to animals and can range from neglect to malicious killing. Animal cruelty can be one of the earliest indicators that an individual is developing a dangerous pattern of seeking power and control by inflicting suffering on others. It is important to provide children with the opportunity to understand and witness the plight of both domestic and wild animals.
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