Dogs And Cats Used In Research Deserve A Chance To Be Adopted

A few weeks ago, a heartbreaking undercover investigation released by the Humane Society of the United States exposed what was happening to dogs being used as research subjects at a Michigan lab. While more than two dozen beagles got a chance to be rescued, thousands of others weren't so lucky.

Now, however, there's a chance to ensure all healthy cats and dogs being used as research subjects in the state have an opportunity to be adopted into loving homes – instead of being killed when they're no longer needed.

In response to the investigation, Rep. Kevin Hertel introduced legislation that would require companies using dogs and cats in research to release them to state-based shelters once testing is complete.

It would also increase transparency in research by requiring labs to submit annual reports on the number of animals being held and used in tests to the state, instead of just to the federal government.

While animal advocates are continuing to fight for a world where no animals are experimented on in the first place, laws like the one being proposed here – which have become known as Beagle Freedom Bills – are an important step for animals who deserve a life beyond the walls of a lab.

They have already been passed in nine states, and are on their way to becoming laws in two more.

Please sign and share this petition urging Michigan lawmakers to make their state the next to pass this type of life-saving legislation giving companion animals being used as test subjects a second chance at life.

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