As many know we lost the election it was a close call but we are pushing this petition if we get 25% of her votes we have a chance at removing this horrible woman for good we have to make changes if we want change and remove all the corrupt people in seats of power we need this change now more then ever I can't sit and watch more and more people be hurt and violated by this evil woman...

EDIT: As many know we did WIN although she was charged with 5 charges and 3 judicial codes/violations our job doesn't stop here. She had a 5 week suspension but is back behind the bench right back to violating people's rights, killing innocent pets and destroying the public's lives..however it's almost time to vote and someone IS running against her and not only qualified but also a animal lover he's all about the people and respect THIS IS OUR OPPORTUNITY to get rid of power high snyder ONCE AND FOR ALL I'm begging everyone to get out and VOTE let's make Brooke county a safe place for our people and our pets!!!!!! February 18 2017 my dogs were ripped from my home for what was supposed to be a 10 day quarantine i as my dogs both were in compliance as bad as it broke our hearts after 10 days i was told i was not allowed to pick up my dogs that it was set for a hearing days before the hearing i was sent summons on criminal charges for owning vicious dogs at the time i didnt care i just wanted my babies home on march 8th i went to court to realize i was walking into a trial where i was forced to act as my own attorney magistrate snyder would not hear anything i nor any witness had to say she also informed me it was a civil case with criminal case numbers to shorten this very long nightmare i was denied a attorney i was blind sided and even though officers testified to no proof or injury that a attack ever happened she didnt not care and ordered for my babies to be killed we immediatly requested a appeal where we were told NO her decision was final magistrate robin snyder not only murdered 2 sweet dogs but abused her power broke laws and violated judicial codes/rules it has been a very long fight/investigation but finally THREE charges have been filed agianst her including *rule 1.1 Compliance with the law*
A judge shall comply with the law, including the wv code of judicial conduct
*Rule 1.2 confidence in the judiciary*
A judge shall act at all times in manner that promotes public confidence in the independence, integrity, and impartiality of the judiciary, and shall avoid impropriety and the appearance of impropriety.
Rule 2.2 impartiality and fairness
A judge shall uphold and apply the law and shall perform all duties of judicial office fairly and impartially.
Rule 2.5 competence, deligence, and cooperation
A. A judge shall perform judicial and administrative duties, competently and diligently.
Rule 2.6 ensuring the right to be heard
A. A judge shall accord to every person who has legal interest in a proceeding, or that persons lawyer, the right to be heard according to law & 5 charges...MAGISTRATE ROBIN SNYDERS illegal and unethical actions not only killed two innocent dogs but caused my family, children and i unimaginal pain, trauma and stress 2 of my children are still taking the affects of her actions hard after i spoke with a lawyer and was told i COULD appeal and had 20 days i returned only for mag. Snyder to refuse me the appeal forms and told me whats the point theyre dead which she was not allowed to kill them by doing so she took my appeal my fight away after careful consideration of my complaint the judicial investigation commision found probable cause after voting 7-0 to file 3 charges agianst her i was charged with criminal charges with criminal case numbers and summons to court at court i walked into a trial where i requested an attorney i was then told it wasnt a criminal case and refused a attorney forcing me to represent myself without proper opportunity to obtain cousel. After ordering my dogs to be destroyed. They did not wait 20 days but killed them same day. Once robin snyder realized i wld not allow this she deleted the original case numbers and switched then to civil case number 17-MO5C-00035 then changed all case numbers to all documents originally carrying case no. 17-M05M-390 to civil case number robin snyder thereby improperly altered court docs after the fact had robin snyder done her job correctly my babies would be alive and me and my children would not have spent the last year in a depression yet we still fight for whats right now im asking everyone to help ensure she is not able to destroy anymore families i was threatened intiminated and bribed but i only fear my god right is right and wrong is wrong and this woman does NOT deserve the right to determine the fate of others lives she believes laws dont apply to her help me help the community and ask for max punishment or for magistrate snyder to be forced to resign immediately our lives will never be the same but we CAN protect Others if we all come together...i will attach the formal statement of charges if i can but AGIAN lets make sure she can no longer use her power to hurt the community im the voice for my 2 girls she murdered my children and everyone thats been done wrong or denied rights from this woman!!!! LETS MAKE ROBIN SNYDER ACCOUTABLE FOR HER ACTIONS AND GET JUSTICE FOR MY PAIN AND MORE IMPORTANTLY MY GIRLS LIVES THAT WERE ILLEGALLY TAKEN. IF youd like to write please send letters to Brian Lanham, deputy counsel WV bar ID. 7736
Judicial invesigation commission
City center east suite 1200A
4700 Maccorkle avenue SE charleston wv 25304
304 558 0169 PLEASE SIGN lets get justice for monroe, luna, myself and the rest of the public shes done wrong to....thank you from the bottom of my heart.

EDIT #2 There's many victims to magistrate snyder cold and cruel acts but most are understandably intimidated to step forward Ive fought for the entire county now all y'all have to do is VOTE let's get this evil woman OFF THE BENCH FOR GOOD!!!!!

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