Stop death of pets, help homeless animals & families stay together, help find facility, do segment on Angel Hanz for the Homeless..keeping pets & families together.

  • av: Linda Beane
  • mottagare: Jane Velez-Mitchell, MSNBC and CNN

We are petitioning Jane Velez-Mitchell,MSNBC,CNN, Peoplemaking a difference:CBS to support homeless animals and people via a media segment or activism in an effort to attain a facility for the organization, Angel Hanz for the Homeless, created by Karen Hamza and located In Burbank, California. Angel Hanz is a one of a kind organization dedicated to helping both homeless animals and humans get off the streets and rebuild their lives.

Angel Hanz has grown rapidly and is seeking help in finding a donor that could provide a facility where they can better serve the needy, to be called " The Angel Hanz Recovery Center." Angel Hanz is currently holding monthly events at North Hollywood Park, 11455 Magnolia Blvd, North Hollywood, Ca. 91601, weather permitting.

At these gatherings Angel Hanz provides multiple services for homeless animals and people. They assist homeless people in retaining custody of their pets, providing their animals with necessary amenities including comfort items, food, grooming, vet care, etc. All homeless people receive clothing, blankets, tents, care packages. They receive a huge array of items and services to enrich their lives. Because of the numerous animals and people needing assistance it is has become imperative that Angel Hanz find a place indoors where they can have their gatherings until a facility is acquired.

We are asking the media to consider sharing Angel Hanz's successes via their news coverage to bring needed awareness to their needs for a building.

Angel Hanz has saved many animals from being torn from their families and needlessly killed. They have given the homeless the dignity and respect allotted to all people and are a positive influence on those whose lives have been disrupted and are in need of care and hope for their future..

Contact information is as follows
Angel Hanz For The Homeless, is 501c-3 non-profit dedicated to bettering the lives of homeless individuals and their pets through a solutions-based approach

The media and the public can learn more about Angel Hanz for the Homeless at: or visit their page on Facebook at:

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