Save the hawksbill TURTLES by protecting an important nesting site

  • av: Grupo Ecologista Quelonios
  • mottagare: President Felipe Calderon Hinojosa, SEMARNAT C. Secretario Juan Rafael Elvira Quesada, CONANP M. Mariana Bellot Rojas

The most important nesting site in Mexico for the hawksbill turtles (Eretmochelys imbricata) is threatened by the construction of houses, a tourism complex and the disappearance of the turtle camp that has been in the site for 20 years. This important nesting site is situated in Punta Xen, Campeche, Mexico and has one of the most successful turtle nesting and hatchling rate in the country. 

The hawksbill is listed as an endangered species by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources. In Mexico is threatened by urbanization of important nesting beaches in the Yucatan Peninsula for tourism and vacation homes, construction of coastal roads allowing access to previously remote beaches, and reef degradation.

The greatest number of nests recorded in the state of Campeche in recent years indicated a gradual and effective recovery and an increase of the sea turtle population in Campeche thanks to the protection of beaches for 20 years (Guzman and co. 1995). Help this beach remain protected!

YOU can also help save Hawksbill Sea Turtles by signing our petition that says you, too, support the protection of the hawksbill turtle nesting site, and that the Mexican government should protect this nesting site.

Ciudadano Felipe Calderón Hinojosa

Presidente Constitucional de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos,

C. Secretario Juan Rafael Elvira Quesada SEMARNAT y M. Mariana Bellot Rojas CONANP


Somos el Grupo Ecologista Quelonios, campamento tortuguero encargado de la protección del sitio de anidación mas importante en México para la tortuga carey y el 3ero. a nivel mundial.  Nos ponemos en contacto con ustedes a exigir que nos cumpla urgentemente las siguientes peticiones que se basan en la exigencia de proteger este sitio.

Que se frenen los megaproyectos de la empresa turística “Santillana del Mar” en el área donde anida la tortuga carey en el estado de Campeche.

Que se frenen los proyectos de urbanización en la playa Punta Xen en el municipio de Champotón, Campeche.

Que se ponga en marcha un proyecto para convertir la playa de Punta Xen, Campeche en una Área Natural Protegida, se continúen con las actividades que el grupo ha realizado en los últimos 20 años y que sea un modelo de conservación ecológica reconocida mundialmente.


Grupo Ecologista Quelonios, A.C

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