Slaughter of stray dogs in Romania

On 1st March The Commission for Public Administration in Bucharest, Romania voted the Law Project 912, by which all community dogs all over the country will be put down, no matter if dogs were previously castrated and chipped, whether they are taken care of by citizens and/or org for animal protection. No exception is discussed!The Law Project 912 will become valid on 7 March, when it will be discussed and voted by the Deputee Chamber of Romanian Parliament the next day!  The reason invoked is the poor economic situation of Romania, who has cut salaries, pensions and aid for invalid persons. Now dogs are the target: without them, the Romanian life standard is thought to improve! Absurd, cruel, and primitive. Is Romania really part of EU? How can EU learn about this event and, supposedly, take an attitude in the name of civilization? I am a Romanian living abroad and am ashamed of my native country, and feel helpless without the support of international animal protection organizations, nor do I know their address. Please, help Romanian dogs from massacre! Prof. Dr. Mariana Dan
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