This Petition is for World Peace.
It is now over two years since this petition was started. And it seems each year, I have new incite and a different perspective on peace as well as many other topics. Peace is in all of us and it is our choice to be at peace or not. Once one becomes aware of who they truly are, Peace is emanate.
Peace is a state of mind. Peace is relative. Inner Peace can be obtained by all. It is up to you! This petition was written just over one year ago. The signatures came in droves while I was promoting it. Then after rereading it over and over I decided I was stating that we don't already have Peace. A contradiction to say the least. I now believe we all have Peace within us all and it is up to each of us to spread that Peace!
I have also come across the following statement, by Shanta Gabriel after the petition was created. I believe the message is clear.
It has become a cliché to say Peace begins with me, but that is the truth. When each person holds Peace as a focal point, and measures their thoughts, words and deeds from the point of peace, life changes in miraculous ways. Inner peace then becomes not just an option, but also a requirement for living a healthy life as well as Peace on Earth.ORIGINAL PETITION: 2008
Our planet has had enough! Too many people are still only concerned with themselves. They don't realize they are not separate from the world or the universe. We are all part of the world. And we can all be shown a way towards World Peace. Reading and participating in this petition, IS bringing about Positive results Now! We have PEACE NOW!
Peter Russell M.A., D.C.S., F.S.P. and Revolutionary Futurist, put it best when he said, "The many crises that we see around us - all stem in one way or another from human self-centeredness. In the final analysis, it is our need to protect and reinforce an ever-faltering sense of self that leads us to consume more than we need, pollute the world around, abuse other peoples, and show a careless disregard for the many other species sharing our planetary home. If we are not at peace, then it just may be that it is our way of seeing that is the culprit. We may not realize that we have become stuck in our perception. We may not realize there is another way of looking at things".
'Willful Conscious Intent' is the new definition of prayer. A term coined by members at the Science and Spirituality Conference at Drake University in 2000. Well known author Dannion Brinkley, has been to the other side of the veil and knows there is no such thing as death. He tells us that we are all very Powerful Spiritual Beings and that LOVE is the answer. In his book, "The Secrets of the Light", co-written with his wife Kathryn, he writes: "Willful: the ability to influence through mental power; Conscious: a knowledgeable stream of awareness; Intent: concentrated attention to a specific purpose." They also write, "Through prayer we talk to spirit; through meditation we listen; and through affirmation we create a means by which we can more easily receive higher energies of inspiration and beauty." Dannion's book also includes 'The Seven Truths'. Truth #2 states in part: We choose to come here as a 'Force Of One' in order to make changes for the betterment of humanity, knowing that we are capable of making a real difference.
By signing this petition, you agree to express yourself to your full potential, Now! And to SAY ALOUD WITH FEELING, at least one positive statement a day, dedicated towards World Peace. Fifteen minutes a day would be optimal. Any verbal acknowledgment towards World Peace will be accepted. You may pray, decree, chant, use mantras or affirmations, meditate or use whatever you are comfortable with. You may do it while driving, on the treadmill, or in the shower. Say as much or as little as you like. You may use the deity of your choice or whatever God you believe in. Since you are a part of the world and we are all connected, when you pray for the World, you are praying for yourself, your family and all that you hold dear to your heart.
There is so much information out there about the truth of life ... of why we're here and what we are supposed to be doing. I challenge you to explore these pieces of the puzzle on your own. Find what drives you and be that thing. One thing Dannion Brinkley has stated in his book "Secrets From Heaven", is that one of the most wonderful things you can do while here on Earth is 'random acts of kindness'. This alone can change the world!
Peace prevails on earth and it begins with each dedicated person. You are not alone. Find those of like mind, and pray for Divine Assistance. Choose Peace, Live in Peace, Be at Peace.
All countries, races and religious denominations are welcome to participate.This petition has the wings of a butterfly ...
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