Women's constitutional right to go topless in public

GOTOPLESS DAY 2013:  SUNDAY AUGUST 25 Topless demonstration in the US and around the world.
Gotopless.org claims the constitutional right of women to go topless in public in the name of gender equality.
Rael, spiritual leader of the Raelian Movement and founder of goTopless.org states: "as long as men can be topless, constitutionally women should have the same right, or men should also be forced to wear something hiding their chest."

Gotopless Day organizes a National Go-Topless Day protest every year at the end of August in honor of Women's Equality Day (celebrated on Aug 26).  It it is indeed on that date in 1920 that women won the right to vote.  
Please sign this important petition and join us in person on Sunday August 25, 2013.  See participating cities worldwide on our website, gotopless.org. 

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