Alright, what we want is simple. �We want enough signatures from people in the Greater Grand Rapids area to get the attention of the right people at White Castle and hopefully get them to open a restaurant here. �I know for myself, I love their food but I can't always afford to drive to Michigan City, IN or Pontiac, MI to get White Castle and to my knowledge those are the two closest places to Garnd Rapids, MI. �So sign the petition if you like White Castle or if you would like to try White Castle but have never been able to since you don't live close to one! LETS MAKE THIS HAPPEN PEOPLE!!
To whom it may concert:We the undersigned would like the White Castle franchise to consider opening a restaurant in or around Grand Rapids, MI. �It would be an awesome thing to be able to buy White Castle and not have to drive to Pontiac, MI or Michigan City, IN to get it (To the best of my knowledge these two are the closest White Castle restaurants to Grand Rapids) Thank you for your time and consideration!
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