We believe that the artcle published by the Mirror on their online version of the newspaper (here is the link: http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/top-stories/2009/08/09/michael-jackson-had-jab-to-curb-sex-urges-for-young-boys-115875-21583054/ ) was disgusting and gave no real evidence as to the allegations contained in the article.  We want a public, written apology from The MIRROR for this horrible article which slandered a man not even with us anymore to defend himself.  We also want THE MIRROR to stop publishing garbage like this and sending it out in to the world to tarnish Michael Jackson's name.  If something unsavory IS published, then a reliable source should be cited, or the article should NOT be printed.

There is a protest in the UK and the USA on August 26th 2009
Information can be found by clicking the relevant links below

UK Protest: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=119327518543
USA Protest: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=264852925432&ref=mf

Group for the protest is: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=133466366960

We want the whole world to be involved, those that can't attend the event can send letters addressed to The Mirror via Zara at mjsayshealtheworld@live.co.uk every letter will be printed off and put in an envelope and hand delievered to The Mirror offices at the UK protest.

We're also printing this petition off when we have alot of signatures and also handing this to The Mirror as we want an apology from The Mirror to Michael Jackson, his family and his fans for the disgusting article they printed.
We the undersigned,
Would like you to take notice of what we have petitioned for.
We are all VERY disgusted by the article you posted on your website http://www.mirror.co.uk/ about Michael Jackson on August 9th 2009.
This is the article in question http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/top-stories/2009/08/09/michael-jackson-had-jab-to-curb-sex-urges-for-young-boys-115875-21583054/

We believe that the artcle published was DISGUSTING and gave no real evidence as to the allegations contained in the article.
We want a public written apology to Michael Jackson, his family and his fans from you for this horrible article.

You were the only news company printing any truth about Michael and now you post this on your website.
Article's like this are tarnishing Michael Jackson's name and over shadowing all the good things he has done for the world...why can't you focus on the FACTS...the money he has donated to charity, the Heal the World Foundation, his legacy instead of printing this rubbish!

If something like this is published in your paper or posted on your website then a reliable source should be cited, or the article should not be printed.

Thankyou for taking the time to read this.
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