We Won't Be Distracted. Not This Time!

If Barack Obama can stay above political mudslinging when he's under attack, we, the voters can promise not to be distracted from the issues that really matter as well.

Tell the media that you're focused on the real difficulties facing our nation. Because you're sick of hypocritical political mudslinging that serves to divide our country and divert us from discussing the significant and very real problems that affect us every day.

Sign this petition because you're inspired by Obama's More Perfect Union speech -- it reminds us of what matters most to this country and the changes we desperately need. Health care, jobs heading overseas, global warming, a crashing economy, collapsing schools, and a never-ending war. These are things that matter to all of us whether we vote for Obama, Clinton, or McCain.

Last time we were distracted from the issues that matter to us we got George W. Bush and a trillion dollar war. Sign to tell the media and the world, "We won't be distracted. Not this time!"
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