We need an ' Animals in Need' Telethon

We would like to see a UK wide Animals in Need televised appeal similar to the Children in Need show..  The need now for help and finances within the animal rescue organisations, large and small, has never been greater. 

So many animals end up being dumped, abused, ill treated and abandoned, and its the LUCKY ones who end up in shelters and refuges across the country, many stay there for many months - there is a REAL need for not only finances, but education - SPAY and NEUTER - the biggest solution available to anyone with an animal - there is a need for low cost or FREE clinics.

Education on breeds of dogs, legislation concerning dog ownership - microchipping and identification - also so important.

We would like to see one of the major channels undertaking the responsibility of organising such an event, and believe it would be a big leap forward financially, educationally and ethically for the millions of animals currently suffering across the UK.

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