URGENT: Renaming the Chinese Recreation Center to Betty Ann Ong Chinese Recreation Center

In recognition of Betty Ann Ong's valor, bravery and heroics as the first responder to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2011.

Betty has been declared by the 9/11 Commission a national hero. Her extraordinary act of heroism on 9/11 made significant contribution not only to San Francisco but to the nation. Naming the recreation center honors her in a meaningful way, and perpetuate Betty's legacy and the heroes of 9/11.

Growing up in San Francisco's Chinatown, the Chinese Recreation Center provided a safe haven for Betty to play and grow. Betty was a passionate supporter of the well being of children and senior citizens. The new recreation center will continue to be a vibrant place to promote the health and well being for all members of the community for many generations to come.

It is appropriate to rename the Chinese Recreation Center of San Francisco to the Betty Ann Ong Chinese Recreation Center.
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