Unpunished Shocking Animal Murders In Russia

This petition has been created to end unpunished cruelty and propaganda of sadism towards animals in Russia. Our country still hasn't got federal law of animal protection. Any content that includes brutal killings of animals is free to publish on the Internet. People, who spread provocative content, propose to unite and commit such things in their cities.

Lately some videos shot with mobile phone appeared on one of our social network sites. The incident shown on this video took place in the Russian army. Soldiers under the guidance of a warrant officer are killing dogs with unbelievable cruelty, jabbing a knife into dog's ear or cutting a dog's head with a shovel.

Materials on this case have been sent to Military Office of Public Prosecutor but we have no way to bring these people to justice, because the propaganda of cruelty to animals has yet to be banned in Russia.

Please urge the Russian President to assert influence on establishing of juristic base for solving this problem and speed up an adoption of Federal law about animal protection.

We, the undersigned, are shocked and worried about unpunished cruelty to animals and propaganda of violence and sadism towards animals in our country. Recently, episodes of spreading photo and video content shocking with its cruelty (in most cases it is injuring animals, leading to death or disability) on the Internet has become more frequent.

People, who spread provocative content, propose to unite and commit such things in their cities.

Lately, some videos shot with mobile phone appeared in one of our social network sites. The incident shown on this video took place in the Russian Army. Soldiers under the guidance of a warrant officer are killing dogs with cruelty, jabbing a knife into dog's ear or cutting a dog's head with a shovel.

Materials on this case have been sent to Military Office of Public Prosecutor but we have no real possibility to bring these people to justice, because the propaganda of cruelty to animals isn't banned in Russia.

In spite of growing authority of Russia among world community and huge scientific and cultural potential of our society, Russia stays one of the most backward countries regarding animal welfare. There isn't a law to ban cruelty to animals only in Russia and China at this moment; all other countries already have such law.

How will our children grow up if such cruelty is a norm? Which mother can let her son do military service if she knows about orders that take place in Russian army? How thin is the edge between killing animal and cool-headed murder of a human?

Mr. President, you have been known not only as a powerful politic but as a person who is not indifferent to animal problems. We ask you to assert influence on establishing of juristic base for solving this problem and speed up adoption of Federal law about animal protection.

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