We are united in working to ensure that:
If we are to have such a society we need general public discussions on the role of public education systems: Whose interests do they - and should they - primarily serve?
The "Education is NOT for $ale - Global Week of Action" will spread awareness regarding the global nature of the problems linked with the increasing commercialization and corporatization of public education around the world. It will unite activists, groups and movements involved in the struggle for free and emancipatory public education accessible to all and protected as a fundamental human right - Worldwide.
Please sign and forward this petition if you share these demands for public education.
For more information on the "International Student Movement" and/or the "Education is NOT for $ale - Global Week of Action" feel free to send a mail to united.for.education[at]gmail.com or visit emancipating-education-for-all.org
Disclaimer: This petition is not directed at any particular political institution, but designed to bring to light the global nature of the struggle for free and emancipatory public education, inspiring activists and concerned citizens worldwide to unite in their efforts.
We are united in working to ensure that:
If we are to have such a society we need general public discussions on the role of public education systems: Whose interests do they - and should they - primarily serve?
The "Education is NOT for $ale - Global Week of Action" will spread awareness regarding the global nature of the problems linked with the increasing commercialization and corporatization of public education around the world. It will unite activists, groups and movements involved in the struggle for free and emancipatory public education accessible to all and protected as a fundamental human right - Worldwide.
Please sign and forward this petition if you share these demands for public education.
For more information on the "International Student Movement" and/or the "Education is NOT for $ale - Global Week of Action" feel free to send a mail to united.for.education[at]gmail.com or visit emancipating-education-for-all.org
Disclaimer: This petition is not directed at any particular political institution, but designed to bring to light the global nature of the struggle for free and emancipatory public education, inspiring activists and concerned citizens worldwide to unite in their efforts.
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