The Unfortunate Monkeys of Langkawi, Bird Paradise Petition

The Video mainly explains the whole situation. Bird Paradise is a tourist attraction on one of the places in Langkawi, Malaysia, in South-East Asia.

This video shows 2 grown monkeys, with an infant monkey. They are living in a run-down exhibit (If you can call it one) in "Bird Paradise", Langkawi, Malaysia.

The majority of the video mainly shows the monkeys grooming and holding / shielding the baby.

If you watch till the very end, you will see another scene that may be slightly more sad and touching - a monkey (Unsure if holding an infant) is seen huddled in a rusty cage, barely sheltered against the heavy, pouring rain.

This footage was shot by Elle (EnvironMentalVidz) on Sunday, August 31, 2008, 4:14 PM at Bird Paradise Zoo, Langkawi, Malaysia.

EXTRA: OH and another thing, one thing I didn't get to catch on camera that was very upsetting to me as well was a spider monkey alone in an even SMALLER caged exhibit with rotting moss and cement walls and bars. It was really sad and he kept trying to reach out and hold my hand because he was solitary. It was dripping wet with rain that was coming through the ceiling (Which wasn't even roofed properly) and next to him in different exhibits were other solitary animals either circling round and round or too lazy to get up- and just sleep all day!!! It was really sad. I seriously hope to make a difference to this place..."Bird Paradise in Langkawi Malaysia". BREAKS MY HEART ):


Dear Bird Paradise Zoo Langkawi Malaysia,

We the undersigned, have taken notice through various videos and evidence openly shared, showing the conditions in which numerous monkeys and animals, as well as infant ones, have been living in as attractions to outside tourists. We are not very pleased with what we are seeing. These are living creatures and you are enclosing them into these exhibits without any of their own choice, so we think at LEAST make them tolerable for their own living conditions.

Points in which we do not agree on are that:

- There isn't much greenery or any other items for the animals to interact with.

- Tourists witnessed a Caged monkey in an extremely poorly-sheltered outside, back-wet area with surroundings of equipment and store-room facilities, and food supplies etc. This monkey was seen huddling against a corner of this tiny cage as it poured down heavily with rain. Tourists could not understand why this monkey was out-of-bounds from the view of tourists, and why it wasn't together with the others in their exhibits for display. If this monkey was segregated due to health-concerns or medical issues, this is definitely even more unacceptable.

- The conditions are poor: The roof is open to rainwater, dampness is occuring, cement and metal bars / old mesh-wire cannot be good for wild animals' permanent environment. The seperation of animals from others of their own kind, and barely any toys or items to keep them busy to interact with is very disappointing.

- A few of the animals such as a Spider-Monkey and Fox were witnessed alone and solitary in their little compound exhibits. They seemed lonely and unable to interact with much else as they didn't have any other open contact with others of their same kind. Evidence of this can also be that on one occasion, a spider-monkey was continuously holding hands and trying to reach out to a tourist. This is not an issue, because this particular tourist didn't mind at all. They were more concerned about how desperate this monkey was to reach out to other beings out there for help and social contact. This cannot be very good news as this monkey was not too keen on letting them go so soon, and continued to sleep and laze around gloomily right afterwards, solitary once again.

One more important thing is that one of the monkeys were also witnessed chewing on some plastic that is assumed to have been lying around somewhere that was not disposed of correctly. The monkey was under no supervision and tourists were worried what were to happen if further continued. Tourists immediately after seeing this requested staff attention, though there were hardly any available staff around for assistance. One woman they asked said she did not work in that section and was plainly not responsible.

We hope you can take this letter into great consideration, referring to the amount of us who agree upon these arguments, and demand for improvement of your Animal Zoo Establishment, "Bird Paradise".
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