Ukraine, Free Yulia Tymoshenko

Yulia Tymoshenko was the Prime Minister of Ukraine until she was defeated in elections in 2010 by current President Viktor Yanukovich. In late 2011, Yulia Tymoshenko was sentenced to seven years in prison for allegedly abusing power and doing business with Russia that was against the interests of Ukraine.

The New York Times reported that ever since her trial, sentencing and imprisonment, Western European and American leaders warned the Ukrainian President that her detention would strain relations between Ukraine and the Western countries. They believe that the charges against Ms. Tymoshenko do not warrant imprisonment. This warning however has not deterred the Ukrainian government as not only did they lay new charges against Ms. Tymoshenko, but they transferred her unexpectedly to a prison camp hundreds of miles outside the city of Kiev.

By moving her discreetly, the Ukrainian authorities are not only trying to hide her, but they are trying to cut her off from her supporters and the media. Their actions show that they want the world to forget about her and they are trying to silence her.

Tell the President of Ukraine that this is unacceptable as Yulia Tymoshenko should not be hidden away in a prison camp and should be released.

We the undersigned demand that the Ukrainian government release Yulia Tymoshenko from prison as the charges against her do not warrant imprisonment. Ms. Tymoshenko should not be hidden away in a remote prison camp as she has the right to have access her family, her supporters and the media. By imprisoning her, the Ukrainian government is showing their citizens and the world that they do not tolerate criticism or freedom of speech. Keeping Ms. Tymoshenko in prison would be a step back for Ukraine as it would reverse the democratic reforms that have been implemented in the last few years.

Please promote democracy in Ukraine by releasing Yulia Tymoshenko.

Thank you.

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