UK Carers Are Seeking A Realistic Income For Carers

  • av: Clive Arnold
  • mottagare: As Much Support As Possible From People And Organsiations

Firstly I must apologize for the fact that people can no longer leave comments that are visible supporting the online version of this petition. A former director of the national charity Carers UK has attempted to wreck the petition by using weird or pornographic comments in an attempt to put people off supporting this petition. Any comments will be able to be used when the petition reaches it's target and I print it out to send it to the relevant people.

UK Carers are seeking to get people to get people to support a fairer
deal for Carers.

At present there are 6 million Carers in the UK saving the UK around Ł60 BILLION POUNDS EACH YEAR!! In return for this Carers receive an Allowance of Ł48.64 a week for a minimum 35 hours care provision, though it's normally much more than 35 hours a week.

"Well it won't affect me will it?" Well yes actually, it very well might. A million people a year become Carers so supporting this petition could very well benefit YOU. Example? Carers live in poverty, social isolation, no breaks, no holidays, if you are ill you are expected to carry on your caring role and the only time caring ends is when the person you care for dies or YOU die. There is a 3rd option and that is to take your own life. "DON'T BE DAFT, THAT DOESN'T HAPPEN" Well again you would be wrong, in the last 2 years there have been at least 3 Carers that have taken their own life.
One last little surprise is that when you retire and draw your pension you loose your Carers Allowance "THAT'S NOT RIGHT IS IT?" Yes, I'm afraid our past, present AND future governments will use a nasty little trick to further exploit Carers, it's called the overlapping benefit rule, it penalises Carers.

UK Carers wants a drastic increase in Carers Allowance and the scrapping of the overlapping benefit rule to properly recognise the hard work Carers of all ages do. Not doing that is depriving them of their Human Rights, the rights to be paid for the hard work they do.

Help us by signing this petition and passing it to as many people and organisations that can help.

Many thanks.

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