Tyson- Pit bull Shot By San Diego Police While On Walk WW

  • av: Tyler Nasise
  • mottagare: Justice For Tyson With The San Diego Animal Control, SD Police & Parole Officers
Tyson, a one year old pit bull was unjustly shot by San Diego police officers on April 22nd 2009 when out for a walk with his owner. He survived the shooting, however was horribly injured. He was shot in his nose, the bullet traveled through his pallet and out his jaw.

We need & want justice for Tyson. He deserves it for all he & his family have had to endure the past few days & for the journey ahead of them.

Tysons parents were served with two citations and the first hearing is June 23rd 2009. Please help support Tyson and his family.

Tysons support page can be found at: www.myspace.com/justice4tyson
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