Trail of Dreams World Peace Walk-A-Long

The Trail of Dreams World Peace Walk-A-Long

January 21- April 21, 2009

From New York City to Atlanta, GA

The Trail of Dreams World Peace Walk-A-Long represents a people's movement, humanity showing up for humanity, for Mother Earth, for peace.

The Trail of Dreams World Peace Walk , began on October 21, 2005 and is a 3 œ year global walk to promote world peace among people in communities from around the world. On January 21, 2009, the Trail of Dreams Team returns home and invites your participation in the WORLD's longest %u201Cmass walk%u201D for peace - the Trail of Dreams World Peace Walk-A-Long.

This Petition will be presented to the
United Nations, the White House & Congress on January 21, 2009

We are asking people worldwide to sign this petition to illustrate to our global leadership, the hearts of the people from communities around the world who are willing to stand for a world where every person has the opportunity to live a life free of violence, injustice and inequality; and, a world that embraces environmental sustainability.

By signing this petition, I affirm that:

I am committed to changing the world one step at a time;

I am among the Million Everyday People showing up
to be a demonstration of a deep human commitment to peace, justice, and equality through compassionate co-sharing of human rights and responsibilities;

I walk for PEACE. I walk for CHANGE. I walk for my Sisters and Brothers at home and around the world.

  • My walk may be physically walking with the Trail of Dreams Team or walking with you in my heart in solidarity with this historical nonviolent walk for PEACE.

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