
  • av: j
  • mottagare: j


We the undersigned want tougher eco-labelling laws for Australia.

Eco-labelling has become increasingly common. Supermarket shelves are lined with products claiming to be 'green', 'eco', 'all natural', or 'environmentally friendly', among other labels. In the last eight years, IP Australia, which registers trademarks and patents, granted 2,267 green trademarks.

With the huge range of eco-labels available, it's hard to consumers to make an informed decision. Consumers often can't tell the difference between companies and products which are actually environmentally friendly and those who simply label themselves as such.

Please consider instituting tougher eco-labelling laws. It should not be possible or legal for companies with dubious environmental credentials to advertise their products as though they were environmentally friendly. This system confuses the consumer and discourages producers of products from making legitimate efforts to reduce their environmental footprint.

Thank you for considering our petition.

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