Thrive on Five: Campaign to cut VAT to 5%

The Morning Advertiser is calling for the Government to reduce VAT to 5% for the hospitality sector.
21 countries in the EU have a lower VAT rate for the hotel sector and 13 for the overall hospitality sector.
In France, tax was reduced from 19.65% to 5% in restaurants alone and led to the creation of 21,700 jobs in the first year.
A cut in VAT could help create 220,000 jobs in the post Olympic years.
We the undersigned call for the Government to reduce VAT to 5% for the hospitality sector.
21 countries in the EU have a lower VAT rate for the hotel sector and 13 for the overall hospitality sector.
In France, tax was reduced from 19.65% to 5% in restaurants alone and led to the creation of 21,700 jobs in the first year.
A cut in VAT could help create 220,000 jobs in the post Olympic years.
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