Improving Nutrition Labels

The Food Label Movement is a march of solidarity for food labelling in Canada. At the heart of health care issues in Canada are the poor eating habits of our modern lifestyle.

To change these current habits, to improve the lives of Canadians, and to save health care dollars, we need to know what is in our food, where it comes from, and how it is prepared.  It is a basic right to know what we are eating. Help create change. Join The Food Label Movement.

To see what exactly we want to change, go to

Although we are a Canadian-based organization, we hope that people around the world will share our concerns. Nutrition label laws are a global issue.
We, the undersigned, agree that the current labelling regulations in Canada and around the globe can be improved so as to increase awareness and transparency between food manufacturer and consumer.

We petition for the Canadian government, and for governments worldwide, to reconsider the current labelling regulations and to institute the suggestions recommended by The Food Label Movement in order to promote healthy lifestyle changes.
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