the never again act

This petition will be presented with legislation in regards to the crime of sexual assult.  It will  discourage premeditated attacks understanding that no parole will be available, this means life sentencing is minimum.  Targeting those offenders who have preyed on children is the main objective. Understanding perpetuating crimes turn the victim into the offender under the right conditions continues this cycle. This bill is not just to protect children but for all who have been subjected to this crime.  Registration is just not enough, with life becoming more complex by the day wouldn't it be nice to have one less thing to worry about?  We are a democracy and have a voice as a people there are some things we just won't change but this we can.
We the undersigned agree that a law with stronger penalties will offset the crime as well as provide the peace of mind needed for victims recovery.  With this new one strike law we plan see victims recovery time reduced therefore allowing the victims to return to life without looking over their shoulders.  You may not be thanked by each person touched by this change but know you were part of it.  Thank you for everything. 
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