Kyron's Law-School Safety & Prevention Act

  • av: Emmilie Caterham
  • mottagare: President Barack Obama, Vice President Joe Biden

Kyron Horman, a 7 year old child vanished from his elementary school on June 4, 2010.  Kyron was last seen walking to his class room after he departed from his step mother. Still missing, Kyron's disappearance remains a mystery. 

Although, child abductions from school are rare, all it takes is one child like Kyron to become the catalyst to spark change.

The "Kyron's Law-School Safety & Prevention Act" is in honor of Kyron Horman. 

As U.S. citizens we stand united in our request for mandated & maintained  surveillance in all public schools & on all public school buses nationwide. We the people stand with "Kyron's Law-School Safety & Prevention Act" to ensure the safety of the children of both today and tomarrow. 

Through this Act we can provide necessary monitoring that would be essential in providing school officials and investigators with crucial information regarding possible abduction and other various types of crime.

"Kyron's Law-School Safety & Prevention Act" is subject to future amendments. 

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