Tested and not tested on animals

All across the world animals die everyday because of human vanity. Everyday animals die because humans want more and more and more  products to satisfy thier modern living.


While it may take some years for animal testing to be banned, we can however petetion for the law that every product be it for human vanity or cleaning products state clearly that "it is tested on animals" and "not tested on animals"

As consumers we have a right to know so that we can make a choice to support these companies or not to support. Everything is supply and demand the less we demand the less they will supply thus leading to a potential decrease in animal testing.

Companies like kleenex,procter and gamble DO test on animals but they do not state this on thier products.

If this is made law people may think twice about purchasing a products if it is "tested on animals"

Lets take the step forward to change.
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