We the undersigned,
In your very hands you hold the sacred capability to potentially stop the world%u2019s largest dolphin slaughter. As Executive Directore of WAZA, you have the power-the power that grants hope to thousands of beautiful dolphins-to affirm and record accounts of the Taiji dolphin slaughter and subsequently reveal this unimaginable massacre. Only then would you be truly promising %u201Crespect%u201D and %u201Cdignity%u201D to your animals under this association. You must also educate the public of this slaughter; I feel that WAZA, as the world%u2019s largest network of zoos and aquariums, possesses the duty of informing the public about the Taiji dolphin slaughter. Please expel JAZA as your member and colleague, for they are not only violating the WAZA Code of Ethics, but they are tainting the values and practices of other WAZA members. Fellow members are obtaining dolphins from these annual dolphin drive hunts, which are specifically mentioned as infractions to authorized capturing methods in a WAZA statement. These zoos and aquariums, too, should be expelled from the World Association of Zoos and Aquariums. According to your website, WAZA consists of committees, one of which whose duties are to %u201Cinvestigate alleged member violations%u201D of the Code of Ethics. Why then is JAZA (among other WAZA members) purchasing the majority of their dolphins from this annual Taiji slaughter, the epitome of drive fishing? Please enforce your Code of Ethics. The WAZA site also expresses that the main goals are to %u201Cincrease awareness both within and outside the Zoo Community to enhance the conservation of species, populations, and habitats.%u201D WAZA has 253 zoos and aquariums in more than 51 countries; you can educate this wide range of people on conservation, and the first piece of information you should explain is the Taiji dolphin slaughter. This slaughter is conducted by twenty-six Taiji fishermen. Twenty-six. Please use WAZA as a tool to expose and shut down the annual drive fishery in Taiji. My intentions revolve around saving the thousands of dolphins that are cruelly slaughtered, and encouraging powerful associations to do the same. I cannot thank you enough for your time and consideration.
Thank you again,
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