Tell Turkish Court: Rape is Never Consensual!

A judge in Diyarbakir, Turkey has ruled that the sexual abuse of a woman with mental disabilities will go unpunished because the woman did not scream. 

The rape survivor, referred to as E.B., 40, was taken to a hospital after local officials discovered her living in a single-room shanty home with her three children. 

Physicians revealed she was eight months pregnant. 

E.B. was repeatedly raped for two years by her 24-year-old neighbor, Ibrahim T.

E.B. later said she was too afraid to report the abuse because her neighbor was from a wealthy family and threatened to kill her and her children if she said anything. 

DNA proved Ibrahim T. to be the biological father of E.B.'s child. 

But due to a report that claimed E.B. is only 36 percent mentally disabled and therefore, should have fought the rape, her abuser is free. 

Because E.B. did not scream, the horrific sexual abuse was declared consensual. 

Tell Turkish Court: Rape is never consensual!

We the undersigned would like to express our outrage concerning the judgement of the sexual abuse of a Diyarbakir woman. 

The woman suffered repeated sexual abuse from a neighbor only to be ignored by the government that is supposed to protect her. 

By stating that because the woman did not scream she consented to rape after rape is a far cry from justice. 

We ask you to bring justice to the abused.

Thank you for taking our concerns into serious consideration. 

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