Tell Thunder Bay City Council to Scrap Cruel Bowhunting of Deer!

Thunder Bay council has approved a bow hunt for deer in the city's rural areas. The hunt is expected to start in the fall of 2012. This approval is a misguided attempt to reduce the risk of car accidents and Lyme disease. 
Your voices are needed!  Bow hunting is among the cruelest forms of hunting! Deer who are shot and wounded by arrows are often tracked by hunters for hours before they are retrieved; many disappear, never to be found. Fawns whose parents have been wounded or killed often starve. Not only is bowhunting cruel, it is also ineffective. As long as areas remain attractive and accessible, more deer simply move in to fill voids created when others are killed. This hunt will create a vicious killing cycle, and many animals will suffer needlessly. 

Removing or killing deer is an ineffective deer-management method, and many animals suffer needlessly. Furthermore, studies have shown that killing deer has no effect on reducing tick populations. Ticks can best be reduced by keeping vegetation trimmed back, removing wood piles, and refraining from feeding wildlife.  

Please help urge Thunder Bay to halt all bow hunts and implement more humane alternatives.

Please send polite comments to :
To his worship Mayor Keith Hobbs  and City Council Members: khobbs@thunderbay.caa
Message:Please Halt Cruel BowHunts
Dear: Mayor Keith Hobbs and Council Members
(Edit Letter Below)
I was dismayed to learn that Thunder Bay is killing resident deer in cruel bow hunts. Bow hunting is among the cruelest forms of hunting! Deer who are shot and wounded by arrows are often tracked by hunters for hours before they are retrieved; many disappear, never to be found. Fawns whose parents have been wounded or killed often starve. 
Removing or killing deer is an ineffective deer-management method, and many animals suffer needlessly. Please halt all bow hunts and implement more humane alternatives.
Sincerely, (Your Name) 
Please Halt Cruel BowHunts
We are dismayed to learn that Thunder Bay is killing resident deer in cruel bow hunts. Bow hunting is among the cruelest forms of hunting! Deer who are shot and wounded by arrows are often tracked by hunters for hours before they are retrieved; many disappear, never to be found. Fawns whose parents have been wounded or killed often starve. 
Removing or killing deer is an ineffective deer-management method, and many animals suffer needlessly. Please halt all bow hunts and implement more humane alternatives.
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