Komen Foundation: Don't Abandon Women In Need

As the friend of a breast cancer survivor, I've walked alongside her in Susan G. Komen Foundation's fundraising events for the last three years. But I won't be doing it again, because I know that Komen's recent decision to defund Planned Parenthood means that they'll be abandoning hundreds of thousands of women who need them. And I can't support that.

The Komen Foundation has raised millions of dollars in funding for breast cancer marketing and research since its inception. Last year alone, they gave $680,000 of that money to Planned Parenthood to fund almost 170,000 clinical breast exams and more than 6,400 mammograms.

For many women in need, Planned Parenthood is the only available, affordable source of life-saving cancer screenings. To deny them this service because of baseless political pressure is not just irresponsible; for some women, it could be literally deadly.

I'm asking the Susan G. Komen Foundation to reverse its decision. Will you join me?
I am writing to ask you to reverse your decision to defund Planned Parenthood.

Although Planned Parenthood does perform abortions, no public funding they receive can legally be used for these services. To abandon hundreds of thousands of women because of political pressure is not just irresponsible; it could be legitimately deadly.

The funds you gave to Planned Parenthood last year totaled roughly $680,000 last year. That money went toward almost 170,000 clinical breast exams and more than 6,400 mammograms. These services can literally be the key to life and death to some women in need.

I am formally asking you to reverse your decision to defund Planned Parenthood on behalf of women everywhere.
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