Tell Parents To Keep Their Phone Number Up To Date At Their Child's School

Students in school without a means of contacting their parents (or a guardian) are much more likely to disrupt the classroom than those students for whom the teacher can contact their parent. In case the student is injured and a parent needs to be called, teachers and administrators need the contact information to already be on file.
So often, teachers are unable to contact a parent due to the parent's failure to update contact information on their Child's records. Teachers often call the only phone numbers in the system, only to find that the number has been disconnected or that it belongs to some unrelated individual that receives numerous calls daily from the school and is therefore frustrated at the teacher's inability to change the contact information in the system.
The only way that the contact record can be updated is if the parent comes into the school's attendance office and formally changes the info. Teachers and administrators do not have the right to make these changes. Therefore, it is the parent's responsibility to keep contact records for their child up to date and to include numerous methods for contact, including email addresses and alternative contacts.
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