Tell Nordstrom's To Stop Selling Fur Garmets

Even though Nordstrom has made some steps in the right direction, they still sell fur garmets, claiming that their customers demand it.  If thier customers knew that on the fur farms where Nordstrom's gets it fur garmets, the conditions are terrible and horrific.  Animals are kept in small cages for long periods of time where they go insane from confinement.  Then at the end, cruel slaughtering methods are used such as anal electrocution, neck breaking, and poisoning.  Nordstrom's has compassionate customers that if they knew such facts, they would stop buying fur.  By signing this petition, you are asking President Blake Nordstrom to stop selling fur.
We, the undersigned, want you to stop selling fur garmets in your department store's.  Your previous claims have been that your customer's demand it but we think differently.  Plus, if they knew the horrific facts about how that garmet was made, they would probably think twice before buying it.  We do appreciate that you have made some notable steps in the right direction, but this final step would move mountains.  You should advertise that faux fur is often less expensive and research has found it to be warmer than real fur.  Please take some action on this matter and respond back to this letter.  Thank you for your time and consideration in reading this and hope it made a difference.
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