A petition to S.Sobyanin with the requirement to prevent the deportation of dogs and cats from Moscow shelters to the Yaroslavl Region and to prevent the establishment of the State Budgetary Institution "Moscow City Center for Stray Animals"
As it has been known, the Department of Municipal Affairs and Housing of the Moscow Government is still holding the crazy idea of exporting stray dogs and cats from Moscow to the Yaroslavl Region.
The matter is only postponed before the issue of the Order of the Government of Moscow on the establishment of the State Budgetary Institution "Moscow City Center for Stray Animals". A draft of the said Order of the Government of Moscow is to be presented at the meeting of the Government of Moscow (from the letter No. 05-04-2292/1 of the Department Head, A.V. Tsybin, to Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Moscow Government, P.P. Biryukov, dated July 27, 2011).
Not so long ago, the idea of deportation of stray animals has already been announced by the Department, and the dogs were defended only due to the mass upsurge of indignation in the community. The public protest has made the Department to publicly abandon the idea and acknowledge its mistake.
It turns out that we have been deceived once again, and they were not going to abandon this idea at all! The purpose of creating the new structure is not to solve the problem of stray animals, but to siphon off the budget money once again.
Everyone knows that the deportation of dogs and cats from Moscow shelters to the Yaroslavl Region - away from human eyes - would mean killing them, as a tenth of animals, at best, will get there alive, and no one will ever see the rest of them ... In no other civilized country the matters of animals are solved by entities for municipal matters and housing. Especially because the public control of this structure's activity is impossible. Zoodefenders and organizations involved in protecting the rights of animals are treated by the Department of Municipal Affairs and Housing as enemies.
Any society is judged by its attitude towards the weak ones, that is, pensioners, people with special needs, children, and animals. Today you want to deport the dogs and cats (which can not stand up for themselves), but in a while you will start to control the population and deport pensioners, disabled and those who can not defend themselves?
We are revolted by the idea of deportation of stray animals to the Yaroslavl Region, and we demand to abolish this monstrous experiment, which is to be made on our money, the money of taxpayers.
If Mr. Biryukov and Tsybin still can not solve the problem of stray animals, despite the numerous ways to solve it, offered them by zoodefenders, and are only able to siphon off our money, then let them go to the Yaroslavl Region themselves instead of dogs and cats! We do not need them! As they are not able to solve problems of the city!
We hereby urge you:
To prevent the deportation of dogs and cats from municipal shelters of the city to somewhere else!
To prevent the establishment of the State Budgetary Institution "Moscow City Center for Stray Animals"
A petition to S. Sobyanin with the requirement to prevent the deportation of dogs from Moscow shelters to the Yaroslavl Region and to prevent the establishment of the State Budgetary Institution "Moscow City Center for Stray Animals"
As it has been known, the Department of Municipal Affairs and Housing of the Moscow Government is still holding the crazy idea of exporting stray dogs from Moscow to the Yaroslavl Region.
The matter is only postponed before the issue of the Order of the Government of Moscow on the establishment of the State Budgetary Institution "Moscow City Center for Stray Animals". A draft of the said Order of the Government of Moscow is to be presented at the meeting of the Government of Moscow on 27/09/2011" (from the letter No. 05-04-2292/1 of the Department Head, A.V. Tsybin, to Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Moscow Government, P.P. Biryukov, dated July 27, 2011).
Not so long ago, the idea of deportation of stray animals has already been announced by the Department, and the dogs were defended only due to the mass upsurge of indignation in the community. The public protest has made the Department to publicly abandon the idea and acknowledge its mistake.
It turns out that we have been deceived once again, and they were not going to abandon this idea at all! The purpose of creating the new structure is not to solve the problem of stray animals, but to siphon off the budget money once again.
Everyone knows that the deportation of dogs from Moscow shelters to the Yaroslavl Region - away from human eyes - would mean killing them, as a tenth of dogs, at best, will get there alive, and no one will ever see the rest of them ... In no other civilized country the matters of animals are solved by entities for municipal matters and housing. Especially because the public control of this structure's activity is impossible. Zoodefenders and organizations involved in protecting the rights of animals are treated by the Department of Municipal Affairs and Housing as enemies.
Any society is judged by its attitude towards the weak ones, that is, pensioners, people with special needs, children, and animals. Today you want to deport the dogs (which can not stand up for themselves), but in a while you will start to control the population and deport pensioners, disabled and those who can not defend themselves?
We are revolted by the idea of deportation of stray animals to the Yaroslavl Region, and we demand to abolish this monstrous experiment, which is to be made on our money, the money of taxpayers.
If Mr. Biryukov and Tsybin still can not solve the problem of stray animals, despite the numerous ways to solve it, offered them by zoodefenders, and are only able to siphon off our money, then let them go to the Yaroslavl Region themselves instead of dogs!We do not need them! As they are not able to solve problems of the city!
We hereby urge you:
To prevent the deportation of dogs from municipal shelters of the city to somewhere else!
To prevent the establishment of the State Budgetary Institution "Moscow City Center for Stray Animals"
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