Tell Mali: Don't Turn Back Women's Rights!

 Under political pressure from religious groups, Mali's President Amadou Toumani Toure has revised an oppressive family law making women legally obligated to obey their husbands. 

The law had previously removed any mention of women obeying their husbands, increased the legal age of marriage and gave women greater rights in circumstances of divorce and inheritance. 

However, an angry outburst from religious groups caused the president to severely limit women's rights, take away new rights and sign into law women's legal obligation to institutionalized marital slavery. 

This is utter discrimination. The International Federation of Human Rights has said, "the modified text goes against the very principles of equal rights and non-discrimination."

Enacted solely from fear, the law is a terrible judgment that will fall on the backs of women, turning back women's rights throughout the country.

Tell President Amadou Toumani Toure to repeal oppressive family law!

We the undersigned would like to express our opposition to the newly enacted Mali family law. The law would place women in the most vulnerable position while making them legally inferior to their husbands. We understand that the law was revised due to outrage from religious communities. However, you must take a stand by protecting women's rights for the greater good of Mali's citizens. We ask you to please repeal the oppressive family law and bring back the rights given to women in the original law. Thank you for taking our concerns into serious consideration. 
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