Tell Dallas Zoo: Send Surviving Elephant to a U.S. Sanctuary, Not Mexico

Tell Dallas Zoo: Send Surviving Elephant to a U.S. Sanctuary, Not Mexico

The Dallas Zoo recently announced its decision to send Jenny, the sole remaining elephant at the zoo, to the Africam Safari Park in Puebla, Mexico instead of the nearby Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee which offers hundreds of acres of naturalistic habitat and the highest quality care. Please Take Action to urge Dallas City Council to override the zoo's decision to send Jenny to the Africam Safari Park and instead transfer her to The Elephant Sanctuary.

Dear Dallas City Council ,

I am writing to express my strong disapproval of the Dallas Zoo's intention to send Jenny, a 31-year-old African elephant, to the Africam Safari Park in Puebla, Mexico on August 1, when The Elephant Sanctuary in nearby Tennessee is ready to accept and care for her. I respectfully urge members of the Dallas City Council to direct the zoo to reverse the move.

At the 2700-acre Elephant Sanctuary, Jenny would share a spacious, 300-acre natural habitat with three other African elephants. By contrast, the Mexican park offers an unnatural, confining exhibit of less than five acres to be shared with other elephants, who are not even members of Jenny's species.

Ample space is essential to the well-being of captive elephants, and Jenny will enjoy a much higher quality of life at the sanctuary than at a facility where she will not even be protected by U.S. animal welfare and anti-cruelty laws.  Further, the fact that the Mexican park houses Asian elephants and Jenny is an African elephant means that she will either live in isolation or with the other elephants in violation of industry guidelines warning against housing the two species together.

Jenny's companion, 39-year-old Keke, died prematurely at the Dallas Zoo in May 2008 from health complications related to captivity. While African elephants in the wild are known to reproduce into their 50s and live into their 60s, in zoos they commonly die decades before their natural time. Please do all you can to ensure she has the best chance for health and happiness by urging her transfer to The Elephant Sanctuary.

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