Tell Costco to stop using plastic to package fruit

Some time ago Costco changed the paper dividers to plastic packaging.  Millions of these plastic dividers are leaving the store every day.  They end up in the landfill because either they are not recyclable in the municipality or people don't know or don't care what happens to them.

Costco takes good care of their employees and is a great company.   Help them do become an even better company by signing this petition and letting them know you care! Their leverage in the market place is huge and if they wanted to force their suppliers to use only environmentally-safe and recylable packaging they could. 

We the undersigned ask that your stores stop using plastic dividers for your fruit.  You have used paper in the past which was recyclable in every municipality. 

These plastic dividers end up in the landfill and often go to other poor countries to be burned. 

Costco started in Seattle where recycling is a given and it would be great if the company took a stand and became an example as an environmentally friendly corporation.  The company buys so much fruit, it has the leverage to demand environmentally safe packaging.

Thank you for taking the time to listen to our concern.
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