Support NO-KILL in Rockdale County

Our goal at the Humane Society of Rockdale County is to bring the world of Human Society and the animal world closer together. We believe that EVERY healthy animal, not just dogs and cats, but birds, reptiles, rabbits, horses...All of the earth's creatures deserve to be treated with respect. As a society we can do one of two things, we can close our eyes, turn our heads and ignore the problems that mankind has created by domesticating many of these animals and do nothing, or we can choose to take another path. We can embrace the discarded and lost pets in our communities and bring them into our homes and make life better for the least of these trying to survive in our society.

In 2008 it is estimated that nearly 5 Million cats and dogs will be killed nationwide due to being homeless. In the metro Atlanta area which includes the Conyers/Rockdale area 90,000 cats and dogs will be put to death for the same reason. This is not a pretty picture. Their only mistake is being homeless. 

"People who are trained to extend justice, kindness, and mercy to animals become more just, kind, and considerate in their relations with each other. Character training along these lines will result in men and women of broader sympathies, more humane, law-abiding and in every respect more valuable citizens. Humane education is teaching in the schools and colleges of the nation the principles of justice, goodwill, and humanity toward all life. The cultivation of the spirit of kindness to animals is but the starting point towards that larger humanity which includes one's fellow of every race and clime. A generation of people trained in these principles will solve their difficulties as neighbors and not as enemies."
 Copyright © 2000
 Humane Society of Rockdale County, Inc.

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