Support Jessica Ahlquist

  • av: Steve Adams
  • mottagare: Jessica Ahlquist (in support)
Jessica Ahlquist had the courage, rationality and moral clarity to complain to the high school she attends about a large sectarian mural posted in the school that made her feel uncomfortable and ostracised.  She pointed out that it is illegal to post sectarian religious features in a tax-payer supported public school due to separation of church and state upheld in the United States constitution.  Cranston West High School refused to remove the mural both to Jessica and the ACLU.  In court, the judge demonstrated flagrant proselytizing and sectarian behavior by the school board.  Freedom of religion means in part that American citizens should be free from having their tax-payer dollars select a religion to support.  The judge ruled against the school and the mural was removed.  From then on Jessica has been bullied and even threatened by students to the point that she had to obtain police protection.  Teenage life is challenging and insecure enough without this.  Jessica deserves a "thank you" and a pat on the back.  I'm sure it would help remove some weight from her shoulders.
We the undersigned support your corageous effort to stand tall in the face violations to the separation of church and state that is supposed to be a fundamental liberty in our country.  It is a shame that you have had to devote time and energy and endure persecution toward such a cause.  it shows elements of hypocrisy in our public institutions.  We are proud of you for your effort and courage.  It is a source of inspiration to us, and your work is a benefit to your country.  Thank you for reading our letter. 
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