Support Cleaning Product Right to Know Act

Cleaning product companies aren't required to tell you the chemicals they use in their products, and what they're keeping secret from you could be hazardous to your health.

WVE recently tested 20 top brand-name cleaners for hidden toxic chemicals. We found secret toxic ingredients in all of them, including allergens, reproductive toxins like toluene and phthalates, and cancer-causing chemicals like 1,4-dioxane and chloroform. Read the report Dirty Secrets to learn what's hiding in your cleaning products.

Companies shouldn't be able to keep toxic chemicals a secret from you!

Ask your Representative to co-sponsor the Cleaning Product Right to Know Act to require companies to list all ingredients on the label.
We the undersigned are concerned that cleaning product companies aren’t required to tell us the chemicals they use in their products, and what they’re keeping secret from us could be hazardous to our health.

Women's Voices for the Earth (WVE) recently tested 20 top brand-name cleaners for hidden toxic chemicals. They found secret toxic ingredients in all of them, including allergens, reproductive toxins like toluene and phthalates, and cancer-causing chemicals like 1,4-dioxane and chloroform.

Please co-sponsor the Cleaning Product Right to Know Act to require companies to list all ingredients on the label.
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