The Desert Tortoise (Gopherus agassizii) is listed as a federally protected, threatened species. This species is protected by state and federal endangered species acts-yet threats to its survival are numerous. Its numbers continue to decline, even after decades of research. The few remaining healthy populations of desert tortoises, and their habitats must be protected.
Destruction of tortoise-friendly habitat due to military expansion into areas of designated critical habitat, off-roading in non-designated areas, pollution, livestock grazing, dumping, wild land fires, and razing of land/construction have all played a negative (and often catastrophic) toll on these desert denizens-who have called the Mojave Desert their home for many thousands of years.
Enforcement of existing laws to protect desert tortoises and sensitive habitats are often ignored and are seldom enforced.
Most recently, the Congressionally approved translocation (moving) of 770 wild, federally protected desert tortoises-from their homes at Fort Irwin, California, to less suitable habitat on public lands in March, 2008 has resulted in numerous injuries and deaths. The tortoises were released during cold weather and were unable to dig burrows for protection - areas of release were far less suitable habitat for their foraging and shelter needs, the tortoises were moved in the middle of a drought, and the release area has a documented poulation of ill tortoises.
The Department of the Interior (DOI), Fort Iwrin, Bureau of Land Management (BLM), US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), State Fish and Game Departments, and our elected officials must immediately halt further destruction of this species through "translocation",as well as the critical (and legally protected) habitats in which they survive until feasable and humane solutions can be found.
No government agency should be immune to the laws created to protect sensitive-and sometimes endangered species of plants and animals.
Please visit the Desert Tortoise Survival Alliance (DTSA) web pages for more information, or to join us as an Alliance organization.
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