Stop using harmful styrofoam.

  • av: Taraneh
  • mottagare: Barack Obama
Styrofoam is harmful in many ways. We use it far too often we use it for food containers, cups, insulation, and packaging.

First of all, when used to keep food in the chemicals leach into the food, affecting human health and reproductive systems. For example when I have leftovers from a restaurant I take them home, usually in a styrofoam container, then I microwave it in the styrofoam, which also causes the chemicals to go into the food.

Secondly, it pollutes the environment.  Making it sends dangerous gasses into the atmosphere.  Along with polluting the air styrofoam pollutes the rest of the environment since, being plastic, it isn't biodegradable.

Styrofoam is not recyclable, it's harmful to humans, and it's harmful to the environment. We need to stop using styrofoam before it ruins the earth.
We the undersigned believe that it is everyone's responsibility to keep our planet clean.

Styrofoam is one of the most harmful substances that we use. It is used for food containers, insulation, and packaging.

It's a plastic so it isn't biodegradable.  Twenty-five to thirty percent of landfills are plastics, that's because they take five hundred to a thousand years to break down.

Another thing about styrofoam is that when it is made harmful chemicals are released into the atmosphere causing many health problems to humans and animals.

Lastly, when styrofoam is used with food the chemicals leach into the food causing serious health problems that mainly affect the reproductive system.

We need your help to stop the use of styrofoam and it's harmful effects on our environment. Sometimes all it takes is a voice, one voice that becomes a hundred, then a thousand, unless it's silenced.
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