We the people of the United States demand the stop of the US import of exotic animals. Here in the US it is a 10 billion dollar industry and all for what so there can be private ownership of these animals who suffer and are abused plus neglected. Fur trade is at an all time high so someone can feel sexy wearing a dead animal,or some may think that owning an exotic animal is chic? Sanctuaries all over the US are filled to capacity and are turning down animals because they don't have the room then these animals end up dying! Some animals are turned loose in habitats they are not native of and off set the balance in ecosystems or seek humans for food because they are used to human contact;this in turn puts humans, domestic animals and livestock at risk.
then there is the issue of canned hunting which put exotic animals and other wildlife in small enclosures leaving them open targets for hunters. These animals have no chance of survival because they can not defend themselves or have no place to hide just so men can feel like "he men." Like Terri Irwin said,"stop the buying stop the dying." How can we point a finger at other countries and try and help them save their wildlife when we americans are a contributing factor. Please put an end to the importing of exotics. Thank you.
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