Stop TSA Groping/Napolitano must resign

  • av: Baruch
  • mottagare: Janet Napolitano and the TSA
I call for the immediate resignation of Janet Napolitano, the removal of the x-ray scanners from airports, and an immediate end to the TSA's molestation of people in airports.

 To make it a choice between a dose of radiation or having one's genitals groped in order to fly, this is unacceptable.

We demand Janet Napolitano's resignation and an end to TSA terrorism.

It is distinctly unconstitutional to force people to be searched with no warrant and no probable cause.

This is not about security, it is about compliance. What will we see after the mol;estation by the TSA has become acceptable, random house to house searches for "anything suspicious"? Where is the line? I draw my line here. Where is your line?
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