Stop The Misdiagnosing Of Neurodivergents

There is skyrocketing increase of children on psychiatric drugs.  Antipsychotics including especially Risperdal are being used on children with  Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and autistic spectrum disorders. ADHD is a condition that tends to overlap with Dyspraxia,Dyslexia,and Aspergers Syndrome. Therefore, a lot of Dyspraxics,Dyslexics,and Aspergers are being put on antipsychotics. It's not safe to be a neurodivergent in our society.

There's all sorts of research to suggest and support the comorbidity of learning disabilities and mental health problems. Several recent studies show that 50% of individuals diagnosed with learning disabilities have scores above the clinical range on a well known depression scale.
Children with learning disabilities are prone to chronic depression. Older adolescents and adults that have learning disabilities tend to become withdrawn. They may be quiet or become agitated, irritable, and angry; they may also look sad and talk about their sadness.
Poor coordination,left/right confusion,memory issues,disorganization,and speech irregularities are not just symptoms of psychiatric disorders but they are also symptoms of learning disabilities.

Psychiatrists and other mental health professionals need to consider learning disabilities when patients have mental health problems.There should be screening for learning disabilities in people with mental health problems...especially if they have a history of low self esteem, insecurity,hypersensitivity to criticism,and most of all feelings of intellectual inadequacy. Psychological and neurological testing to differentiate neurodivergent conditions(learning disabilities,autistic spectrum disorders,ADHD,sensory integration disorder)from mental illnesses would prevent misdiagnosing and erroneously medicating people which can cause serious damage on an emotional and physical physical.  We need more understanding of neurodivergent conditions.

Support this effort to reform the mental health field in regards to how neurodivergents are being treated.
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