CRUSADING for California Horses! California outlawed the slaughter of equines in the late 90's. and also made it illegal to transport horses OUT of California for the purpose of slaughter, HOWEVER, studies reveal that horses are still being transported to slaughter out of the State of California ON A REGULAR BASIS! They are picked up at auction houses throughout the state and trucked into other states where they eventually cross the border into Mexico to the equine slaughter houses there. We, the undersigned, petition the above authorities for STRICT ENFORCEMENT of Californias anti-slaughter and transportation laws. We MUST stop the illegal inter-state transportation to set an example for the rest of the Nation as we are trying to get Federal Protections in place by the passage of S. 311. California, why wait? STOP THE ILLEGAL INTERSTATE TRANSPORT NOW! Its VERY bad for our cause!
In addition to signing this petition, we will write a letter of complaint to, DR. ROBERT GIBBENS, The United States Department of Agriculture / Western Region, at 2150 Centre Ave., Bldg. B , MS 3W11, Ft. Collins, Co 80526 or call him at  (970) 494 - 7478. We will do ANYTHING to end the illegal interstate transport of our California horses to slaughter!

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