Stop The Guinea Pig Killings!!
Would you eat your pet for dinner? How about your dog? What about your cat? You wouldn't do it, would you? So why would people want to eat little innocent guinea pigs? I mean, they didnt do anything to anyone did they? Guinea Pigs are killed in the most cruelest way you could ever imagine. They are killed EVERY day. The most common place for these killings is in Ecuador. The reason why I say they are cruel killings is because the way they are killed.
They are set in a cage for someone to come and choose which one they want to eat, like when you get to choose which lobster you want to eat right out of the tank, then they are taken out and their necks are snapped. Now, when a humans neck is snapped the human dies instantly. However, when you snap a guinea pigs neck, it still wiggles around trying to live on. While it wiggles and squirms helplessly, it is dropped into a bowl of hot, boiling water. It eventually dies in the hot water and then its fur is ripped off by hand. This is the worst way for ANY animal to pass away. God created these beautiful creatures and people who eat them are killing them in the worst way possible. So, please help save the guinea pigs by signing this petition. Thank You! We the undersigned have created this petition to help save the guinea pigs that are killed everyday, in the worst way possible. Only you can stop this cruel act, and save the innocent guinea pigs. Think of all the guinea pigs that loose their lives every day. Please help stop this, and Thank You for taking your valuable time to read this letter. Signera petitionenSignera petitionen