URGENT:Stop the Brutal Torture of Thailand's Elephants

Thailand uses elephants for different types of entertainment, one type of entertainment they have are the elephants who paint self-portraits in front of amazed audiences. But the horrific truth is that these elephants are so brutally tortured like nothing you have ever seen before. These elephants are stabbed in the legs , back, heads, etc with bull hooks and left with major life-threatening wounds and huge extremely painful gashes all over their bodies. They are chained in tiny confined areas and left to suffer in the most severe pain. There is no reason for this kind of evil behavior and suffering of these beautiful gentle giants. I am including a video for you to watch of this sad, heart-breaking and inhumane torture. I think the video speaks for itself, although I am warning you to watch with caution, as this video footage  is quite graphic and heart-wrenching. Please sign this petition and help put a stop to this most saddening reality that is currently going on in Thailand. Please, we have to speak up for these magestic innocent animals.

You may also contact Ms. Chambers at schambers@usasean.org and express your feelings ands wants regarding these suffering elephants. Ms. Chambers is a contact for the Prime Minister.
Dear Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva,

We the undersigned are
 sincerely requesting you to use your power and put an end to the heart-breaking, brutal torturing of Thailand's show elephants. These gentle giants are innocent animals with feelings and emotions. They are not objects to be used for entertainment. Nor are they objects to be abused in such brutal, inhumane, evil, torturous ways. It is extremely painful and anger evoking to learn of Thailand's treatment of these gentle giants. 

Many people, after having learned of Thailand's inhumane and brutal behavior towards these elephants, have boycotted Thailand. They will not visit and have told many others to boycott Thailand as well, as long as this animal cruelty continues. They do not want to support this kind of treatment towards elephants as it is very disturbing and saddening.

The following video footage filmed in Thailand reveals the painful truth behind the excruciating painful lives of these elephants. Please take a few minutes and watch the enclosed video. The truth must be exposed as to the cruelty that is currently taking place in Thailand.

Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva, you have the power to put an end to this vicious torture. We are requesting that you please take action immediately to stop this brutality. Again, we beg you to do everything in your power to stop this and make a positive change for the world and most of all for these innocent. loving and magestic elephants that deserve to live happy lives.

Following is the video footage:

Thank you for taking the time to read this and we pray with all our hearts that you care enough and use your power to put an end to this nightmare. Each day counts. Please, have a heart and do the right thing and ending this disturbing and cruel animal abuse.
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